How to use Site Pairing’s tab feature to create impactful CTAs, organize your Interactive Video


Back in February we moved our Site PairingTM technology out of beta and into the hands of creatives, marketers, brands, and agencies. Though we have plenty of examples within published projects of how Site Pairing works – check out Cinemax’s “Banshee” microsite or our own “Baking with Jonathan” interactive cooking video if you haven’t yet – you may still be wondering how Site Pairing actually works. In our new Site Pairing interactive demo video, we’ll give you the behind-the-scenes scoop.

Not only does our demo video explain how you can use tabs to organize your video’s information, the interactive example allows you to watch as tabs within the video change in sync with each part of the Interactive Video you’re watching, and vice versa. The demo also shows how you can draw attention to what matters most in your video by using impactful calls-to-action that leap out of the video player, making it easier for users to follow through with a CTA.

Check out our new Site Pairing demo page to see the technology in action. After you watch the video, scroll down to read about how we created the simple interactive demo – production to final implementation – in just a few hours.

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Deloitte’s gamified recruitment video sets the bar high for interactive enterprise video

If you’ve ever watched an online recruitment video you know that they usually can go one of two ways. They can be a dry, boring explanation of the company, or they can make the company seem like a Google-esque, “Pee-wee’s Playhouse” fun zone. Either way, these videos have one thing in common: They’re both linear videos that are generally unexciting.

However, Deloitte, the largest professional services firm in the world, decided to change the traditional method for online recruitment videos, launching an interactive enterprise video for its graduate and internship opportunities that’s not only informative, but also very entertaining. Little Sister Films (LSF), a digital video agency operating in New Zealand and Australia, built the interactive project for Deloitte, and released it earlier this week.

Tasked in creating something unique and fresh for Deloitte’s 2014 Graduate Recruitment campaign, LSF built a point-of-view interactive day-in-the-life video. According to LSF, the goal was to “create something light-hearted that took you inside the Deloitte culture and educated the viewer on the various service lines the company has to offer.”


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How we turned a linear video into an Interactive Video in 15 minutes

Silver Stopwatch

Earlier this month, Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman sat down with ClickZ, a website that covers interactive marketing news, to talk about the state of Interactive Video (IV) and how Rapt Media’s platform is changing online marketing. Along with the full article, which is definitely worth a read, ClickZ also posted a video of Trautman’s answers to questions such as the inspiration behind Rapt Media, what we’ve seen from in the IV space so far, how IV is evolving, what kind of results we’re seeing, and how mobile fits into all of this.

The original video posted by ClickZ was a 7-minute-long linear video that went through all of Trautman’s answers. However, since the story is all about interactive video, we decided to take ClickZ’s video and transform it into an IV.

In about 15 minutes, we imported the original video content into the Rapt Media authoring platform, trimmed the 7-minute clip into five distinct sections, and transformed it into a user-driven Interactive Video. We call that the #InteractiveEffect.


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Want to make an Interactive Video in 72 hours? Follow our recipe


The idea of creating an Interactive Video (IV) may seem unwieldy, but building an IV project doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it isn’t, which is why we decided to whip up an interactive baking video for the holidays. With a team of three – a designer, an editor, and a scriptwriter/baker – we were able to create an IV in just three days. Our filming team was also small – two videographers and an intern – and they were able to shoot everything in less than six hours.

From storyboarding to editing, we’ll take you step by step through our process of how to make an Interactive Video by taking you behind the scenes of the making of the first installment of our interactive “Baking with Jonathan” series. You’ll see that with a little thoughtful planning, you too can easily create an engaging IV.

Let’s start at the beginning: The idea process…


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Bourbon, baking, and an engineer: An interactive cooking video


The holidays are upon us. The lights are up on the tree, you’ve (hopefully) finished your gift shopping, and now all that’s left is to start preparing your holiday meal. Desert is always the best part, so we decided to make an Interactive cooking Video to show you how to make a festive pecan pie.

Our VP of Engineering, Jonathan Woodard, was so thrilled with the idea that he shared his family’s secret recipe for Bourbon Pecan Pie with us. With the recipe in hand, we went through every step to make the process of baking a homemade pie – crust and all – simple and fun. Not only did we test the code behind the video, we also tested the recipe (multiple times), so you can bet it’s the real deal (and that our bellies have been full of pie for the past few weeks).

Creating our first installment of “Baking with Jonathan” was not only a blast, but it was easy to create using Rapt Media’s video editor. In a matter of hours we were able to easily import videos and author an Interactive Video project that allows the user to choose their own path. And we completed the entire project, from pre-production to publish, in just three days.


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Forrester Report: Benefits of Interactive Video Featuring Rapt Media


Forrester recently published a comprehensive report on the benefits of Interactive Video entitled “Move Beyond Awareness With Interactive Video” [synopsis here]. The report covers how interactivity results in higher completion rates, engagement, and ROI and we’re excited to share this with you as Rapt Media case studies are showcased several times. The report outlines the benefits of Interactive Video, as well as the “shortfalls in current approaches to online video and the benefits that interactive video can bring, and will provide marketers with an action plan on how to get started with this emerging technology.”

According to the report, companies are increasing online video ad spend by nearly 19 percent in Europe, and by more than 22 percent in the U.S., and interactivity amplifies the return on investment from this video spend significantly. The report noted that average completion rates for linear video advertising, depending on placement and device, typically lie within the 50 to 85 percent range. Rapt Media, however, typically sees IV completion rates of 90 percent and above — often with repeated views for the same video as consumers explore all paths of the interactive storyline.

Check out the synopsis of the report above, and let us know what you think. If you would like to get the entire report it can be purchased here.

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