Turn Viewers into Participants with
Interactive Video

Experience an interactive webinar: Reach, Engage, & Convert with Interactive Video

Forrester Research senior analyst Ryan Skinner and Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman discuss how interactive video is modernizing online consumer engagement.

Ryan Skinner
Analyst, Forrester Research
Erika Trautman

CEO & Founder, Rapt Media

Navigate your way through this interactive webinar to discover:
  • How interactive video drives awareness and action
  • How interactive video outperforms traditional video
  • How to seamlessly integrate video on mobile
  • How Philips used interactive video to learn about millennials
Your time is precious. That’s why we’ve broken down the original hour-long webinar recording into an interactive video. The beauty of interactive video is that it allows you to navigate to the content you find most valuable.

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