Erika Trautman

Chief Executive Officer

Erika is passionate about the evolution of online storytelling. With successful careers as a writer, producer, editor, and director, she deeply understands the importance of story in any communication. Disappointed with online video’s inability to rise to its potential, and determined to change that, Erika started Rapt Media.

Since 2011, Erika has worked to build a business that is positioned at the top of emerging video technologies. In addition to sharing the stage with tech luminaries like Sheryl Sandberg, Erika has solidified an A-list customer portfolio including powerhouse companies like Toyota, ABC News, Warner Bros., Samsung, Vodafone, Maybelline, Philips, HBO, Mashable, and Conde Nast Entertainment.

Before starting Rapt Media, Erika founded and ran an Emmy-winning production company, Outlier Films, and worked as an award-winning documentary filmmaker for eight years. In addition to airing on major networks, cable, and PBS, her work has also been shown at various film festivals. Erika has a Bachelor’s degree from Yale University where she studied theater and biology and a Master’s degree in journalism from UC Berkeley.