Client Services

You create content tailored to fit your audience. Rapt Media offers services tailored to fit you.

From developing creative concepts and storyboards to video production and editing through the Rapt Media interactive video platform, team up with us and our award-winning production partners to maximize your creative potential.

Collaborate a lot or just a little—every enterprise project is different. Here are some of the things we can do together…

Creative Services
• Creative Ideation
• Storyboarding
• Video Conceptualization
• Creative Asset Development
• Video Production and Editing


Custom Integration Services
• Analytics Implementation / Integration
• Analytics Verification and Analysis
• Marketing Automation Integration


Custom Development
• Front end development and Graphics
• API Integration
• Data Services
• Deep Linking
• Custom Landing Page Design


Mobile Services
• Debugging
• Playback Optimization
• User Testing and QA