
How-to guides

Add a Button That Links to a URL

Create the button, style it, and add the button text you want. Click the “Behavior” tab. Select “no action” (this means that the button will not affect the video). Enter the URL you want to link to (including the http:// or https://) in the “URL” field. Save and publish, and your button will now link out.

Button Editing

Double-click a node to open the node editor. Here you can alter button properties such as timing, appearance, and linking.

Change the Title and Description of a Project

On your project dashboard, change the title and/or description of your project by editing the text fields found in the details tab at the bottom left-hand corner of the page.

Delete a Node

Click on the node you wish to delete and click the highlighted delete button or press the delete key.

Downgrade Account

We can support you with downgrading your subscription at any time. Because each plan consists of different features and project limits, we’ll need to work with you directly to determine which projects and media you want to keep before making changes to your account. Please contact us at support_at_raptmedia_dot_com.

Download Project/Offline Viewing

Rapt Media is a cloud-based Interactive Video solution, so we don’t provide the option for customers to download projects or view them when not connected to the Internet.

Embed Your Project

Once you have published a project, a unique code is automatically created for sharing. Use the embed code found on your public play page to embed/share your project within other websites.

Invisible Button Creation

Also known as a hotspot, create a new button in the node editor and select “invisible” in the button style drop-down menu.

Loop a Video

While editing the node you want to loop, select “DEFAULT PATH” in the “SELECT CLIP FINISH:” drop-down menu, and then set the “DEFAULT PATH” to that current video. This makes the video seamlessly repeat itself until another action is triggered, such as clicking a button in the video.

Publish Your Project

Click the blue publish button in the upper right-hand corner of the editor to make your project live to the public.

Remove the Rapt Media Logo From Your Project (White-Labeling)

White-labeling is available to our Enterprise customers only. If you’re interested in an Enterprise account please contact sales_at_raptmedia_dot_com.

Replace a Video Clip (Node)

Swap a video clip by dragging it from the media library onto the node you wish to replace. When you replace the clip, all of the buttons, links, settings, and paths from the previous clip will remain unchanged.

Re-Play Project

The end of your project will automatically pre-populate a “Re-play” button. But if you’re looking to loop an individual clip, open the node editor and set that same clip as its own “Default Path” destination.

Report a Bug or Suggest a Feature

Your feedback and help is always welcome. Please send questions and/or comments to support_at_raptmedia_dot_com.

Share a Project

There are a number of ways to share your projects:

  1. Copy the URL from your project’s public play page and send it to your viewers. This will let them view the video directly from Rapt Media.
  2. From the project dashboard or public play page, click the “sharing” tab for Facebook and Twitter sharing options.
  3. From the project dashboard or public play page, use the embed code to embed your project on another website.
Update Published Project

You don’t need to un-publish your projects to make changes. Instead, click the “publish changes” button at the top of the editor after you’ve made edits. This will automatically update the project while keeping your video live.

Upload Still Images

Only video formats can be uploaded at this time.

Upload Video

To add media, click the “add video” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the editor. You can upload just about any type of video file.