
Account Dashboard

The account dashboard is the page where you can add or delete projects, access analytics, or alter your account settings.


The Rapt Editor has API functionality that allows the video and the webpage to influence one another. Video can push events (such as button clicks or timed triggers) to the page, and the page can control the video by playing, pausing, or changing nodes. This feature is available to Enterprise accounts only.

Auto Choice

When a node reaches the end of its clip, you must assign an action for its end behavior. Auto choice refers to selecting what video node you want to play after the current clip. This is also known as selecting a default path.


A feature of a published project, auto-play refers to turning on the setting for having your project start playing automatically when someone lands on a page where your video is embedded.


Also referred to as “hotspots,” buttons are the clickable interactive elements you add to your video clips to activate an action.

Button Editor

The button editor is located in the node editor. Use the various dials to customize the appearance and behavior of your buttons.

Delayed Jump

An assignable button behavior, delayed jump refers to adding a delayed action to a button after it’s clicked.

Default Path

See “Auto choice.”

Embed Code

Once you have published a project, a unique code is automatically created for sharing. Use the embed code found on your public play page to embed/share your project within other websites.

External URL Linking

An assignable button behavior, external URL linking refers to a button action that redirects a viewer to a website other than where the project is embedded. To set a URL destination, double-click a button within the node editor and copy and paste the following: “button text”:http://URL

“Button text” is the text you want the button to display,  and “URL” is the Web address you want to link to.

Please note that External URL Linking is a feature only available to Silver Plan subscriptions and higher.

Freeze Frame

When a node reaches the end of its clip, you must assign an action for its end behavior. Freeze frame refers to having your video pause on the last frame of the current clip when it reaches its end.

Full Frame

Indicated by the arrow icon in the lower right-hand corner of the Rapt Player, full-screen makes your project fill up the entire screen.


An invisible button, a hotspot refers to the clickable area created over a clip in the node editor. Also see “button.”

Instant Choice

An assignable button behavior, instant choice refers to the button’s action happening immediately after it is clicked.


Looping refers to automatically replaying the same clip until another action is triggered, such as clicking a button. To create a loop: While in the node editor, set the default path in the “Select Clip Finish:” drop-down menu to the node you are editing.


Located on your project schematic, nodes are the video thumbnails that appear after dragging -and -dropping clips into the schematic’s space.

Node Editor

The node editor is the pop-up that appears after double-clicking a video node. Use this to add, remove, and customize buttons in your videos. This is also where you assign end-of-clip behaviors for each node.


A “play” describes a complete play-through of a project.


A project refers to the collective video structure and overall experience created within the Rapt Editor.

Project Dashboard

Your project dashboard is the page where you can edit the title and description of your project as well as access sharing options and edit privacy settings.

Project Schematic

The open area where you drag -and -drop your clips to structure your project is referred to as the project schematic.

Public Play Page

The public play page is the publicly accessible page your published project can be viewed on.


To publish a project refers to making your project live for public viewing.

Social Publishing

Located on your published project’s public play page, social publishing are the options available for sharing via Facebook, Twitter, or embed code.


A feature used to cut and create new clips from already existing clips, trimming refers to the action used while in the node trimmer to shorten a particular clip.