Employee loyalty is dead, according to new survey

This story was originally published by the Huffington Post on Sept. 21, 2016. 

Why aren’t businesses courting their employees? I’ve frequently asked myself this question in my interactions with leaders in marketing, human resources and internal communications.

In business, potential customers are pursued with enthusiastic zeal, and talented job candidates are aggressively recruited. The smartest companies are investing significant time and resources into maintaining the happiness of their existing customer base. But what are we doing to excite our employees?


Getting your creatives to care about performance data

Anyone working in digital media today—particularly content marketing—will tell you that creative output is not where the job ends. On the contrary, the way the content performs is just as important as any other part of the process—something that’s been urgently highlighted since the social media boom.

With traditional, more interruptive digital advertising falling by the wayside, more and more strategists are turning to content marketing to bring their brand’s message to the masses. The whole point of such content, of course, is to stand out from the pack, drive deeper engagement, and ultimately convert your audience into a brand-loyal community.

There’s just one problem: An overwhelming number of creatives aren’t linking performance data with content creation, translating to a giant missed opportunity for brands. After all, if you can’t prove content ROI in the end how do you know if it’s really doing its job?


7 ways your video content is missing the mark


This article was originally published on Marketing Land on March 24, 2016.

When it comes to creating engaging video content and optimizing the connection with your target demographic, brands need to have a clear video marketing strategy in place from the get-go.

Goals must be defined, and your audience needs to be identified. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be clarified beforehand, with a call to action front and center.

But there’s more to successful video marketing than just these basic guidelines. There are also moving parts at play that can greatly affect your video’s ability to deliver for your brand.

Here are seven common pitfalls for marketers developing their video content — and how to sidestep them…
