How to capture and qualify leads with interactive video


One of the features that sets Rapt Media’s interactive video technology apart from others is the ability to integrate video with marketing automation systems (MAS), such as Eloqua, Marketo, and Hubspot. We know that the concept can be a little much to wrap your head around, which is why we invited our VP of Product, Caleb Hanson, to the whiteboard to explain the power of integrating marketing automation with interactive video.

In this interactive marketing automation video, you’ll learn: 

  • interactive-marketing-automation-video-caleb-whiteboardHow to gain insights about your customers through video
  • How video interactions can be passed to marketing automation systems
  • How video helps inform marketing campaigns, workflows, lead scoring, and fields
  • How Rapt Media integrates with Eloqua, Marketo, and Hubspot
  • The benefits of marketing automation systems


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See why Forrester recommends interactive video over traditional video

[Editor’s Note 4/13/15: You missed the window to download the Forrester report. If you want to learn more about what Forrester Research is saying about interactive video, watch the on-demand webinar here.]

Last year, Forrester Research released “Move Beyond Awareness With Interactive Video,” a comprehensive report on the benefits of interactive video. The stats and figures that came out of the research are thought provoking and impressive, and we’ve been using them as proof points for how interactive video can help companies see higher completion rates, engagement, and ROI with their online video content.

But instead of just telling you about all these points, we wanted to share the report* in its entirety with you can see why Forrester recommends interactive video, and so that you can get the full-picture-view of what interactive video is and how it’s changing the way we produce and present content.

Though it’s normally $499 to download the report from Forrester itself, we’ve licensed it for a short period of time, so make sure to download the report today*.


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Introducing the Rapt Media Interactive Storyboarder

Having a hard time thinking about, planning, and executing an interactive video project? Hey, we hear you – making the leap from traditional linear video to interactive video requires a new way of thinking. In addition, creating an interactive video experience also tends to require sign-off from key stakeholders. The easiest way to get that initial approval hearkens back to the age-old writing technique of “show, don’t tell.”

Imagine trying to pitch an interactive video by showing a linear experience. Telling your stakeholders that it’ll do X, Y, and Z when it’s interactive just doesn’t pack the same punch as showing a working, interactive prototype. So how can you pitch and test your interactive video concept?

To make the initial process of building and getting approval of your interactive video easier, we created the Rapt Media Interactive Storyboarder. With it, you can take a concept and turn it into a working prototype within minutes, increasing your chances of selling your idea while also streamlining the entire production process.

Check out the interactive video below to learn more about Rapt Media’s Interactive Storyboarder.


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Why you shouldn’t wait until 2015 to launch your first interactive video


News flash. Americans love online video. In fact, the U.S. watched (or started to watch) 38.2 billion videos in Q2 2014 alone – an increase of 43 percent over last year (Adobe’s “U.S. Digital Video Benchmark Report”). And while the number of online video views is on the rise, so is the number of drop-offs. According to Adobe, only about 50 percent of videos watched on desktops are viewed 75 percent of the way through, and that number plummets to 17 percent for mobile devices.

“Started to watch” versus “watched to completion” are two very different things – and a huge part of why most video marketers are still suffering from the same age-old problems: poor engagement and low conversion.

However, a subset of savvy brands and agencies are taking action and using interactive video to create content that solves those pain points. Unlike its linear cousin with deflated completion rates, interactive video sees completion rates of 90 percent and above. And that’s just one of its advantages.

Online video is the single most powerful tool companies have to communicate with customers, so don’t let your online videos fall victim to steep drop-off rates and poor ROI.

Here are 4 reasons why you should start producing interactive video and incorporate it into your online video strategy now.


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Sifting through the BS: Down and dirty advice on building a startup [Interactive Video]


We had a great time at this year’s Denver Startup Week attending some insightful panels and seeing our fearless leader, Rapt Media CEO and co-founder Erika Trautman, speak alongside a handful of some of our favorite startups at two separate events – both of which were packed with eager DSW attendees. In fact, one panel, “Sifting Through the BS: Advice that Really Matters When You’re in the Trenches of Building a Business,” had 650 registered attendees and only space for 150.

For those who were able to attend the panel, a lot of ground was covered. PivotDesk’s CEO and co-founder David Mandell, Simple Energy’s CEO and founder Yoav Lurie, and Rapt Media’s CEO and co-founder Erika Trautman did indeed sift through the BS, candidly sharing their take on many of the questionable pieces of advice startups get when building their business.

For those unable to make it to the panel, or for those who attended and just want a refresher, our friends at PivotDesk recorded the whole thing. The 1.5-hour-long panel was packed with loads of great advice, and we turned the footage into an interactive video, making it easy for you to literally sift through and select the topics you want to learn more about.


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Kapost’s interactive Ice Bucket Challenge lets you choose who gets dumped

Last week, when our friends at content marketing software company Kapost got nominated to complete an Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC), Kapost’s community and content manager Andrew J. Coate was instantly off brainstorming ways in which the company could present a creative response befitting of Kapost’s typical content creativity. Wanting to make Kapost’s IBC into an interactive experience where the user could select which Kaposters got soaked, Andrew turned to Rapt Media with the idea. Of course, there was a resounding “hell yeah!” from the Rapt Media team.

We love to see companies like Kapost thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative ways to use interactive video, and we were happy to help them create this video to help spread awareness and raise money for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). kapost-toby-gun-show-ice-bucket-challenge

Within two days of floating the idea, the Rapt Media and Kapost content team were done – the Kapost Ice Bucket Challenge was storyboarded, shot, edited, and we created the final interactive video.

The guys at Kapost did a fantastic job with this video – plus, it helps that the gentlemen participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge had strong personalities and were great on camera (and the tight shirt on CEO and co-founder Toby Murdock didn’t hurt either).

Check out Kapost’s IBC video above, and dig in further below to see how we worked with Kapost to make an interactive IBC video.


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