Passive Video Content is Dead and Engaging Online Experiences are Everything for Brands and Marketers, According to Rapt Media Research

Nearly Two Out of Three Consumers Spend More Time Watching Video if Invited to Participate

BOULDER, Colo. - Aug. 18, 2015 - Marketers looking to leave an impression on consumers need to offer more control through choice by inviting customers to participate in online video content, according to findings shared in The Power of Choice: The Growing Divide Between Customer Experience and Video, a research report from Rapt Media. The report offers valuable insight on the behaviors and preferences of more than 2,000 consumers in the United States and United Kingdom.

Consumers admit that when given the option to interact with brands online from a personal level, they find video content to be more engaging. Nearly two-thirds of consumers admit that they will spend more time watching video if they can interact with it.

“The marketplace is being flooded with content, but our research shows that brands need to go beyond pushing passive content,” said Erika Trautman, founder and CEO of Rapt Media. “Brands that rely on passive content to win customers are missing their biggest opportunity for engagement and collecting consumer insights. They need to produce content that contains participatory elements, especially in video, to give consumers greater control over their content and drive meaningful engagement.”

Rapt Media’s research reveals consumers have shown that choices are no longer nice-to-haves; they’re increasingly expecting more options for controlling their online experience based on what is most interesting and relevant to them. Consumers also want control in the way they discover information online, which means brands can’t simply push owned content at consumers without considering overall engagement and response rates.

Key findings from the survey indicate:

  • 89% want control over the ads they’re shown online
  • 57% want to find content on their own versus through advertising
  • 64% will spend more time watching video if they can actively participate
  • 86% want to be able to control the topics they see on news sites
  • 56% like choosing content that is relevant to them

Download The Power of Choice report to discover how to improve the customer experience and create engaging content. The Power of Choice interactive video coming soon.

About Rapt Media

Rapt Media has created the only interactive storytelling tech combining personalized narrative with unparalleled data integration. Our HTML5, mobile-native video platform gives you the power to intrigue, turning viewers into participants and engagement into real insights. Welcome to the future of video.

Kelli Flores
104 West for Rapt Media

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