How to choose the right branching structure for your interactive video


We know making the switch from traditional video to interactive video requires a change in thinking. Linear video has the traditional beginning, middle, and end to plan for; but with interactive video, there are numerous paths a user can take, including the “if this then that” approach. Planning your interactive video is more like designing a website which requires coaching for those new to the space.

With multiple branching video structures available to tell your narrative, where do you even begin? To make things easier for those new to the next wave of storytelling, we created an interactive video to explain the most popular interactive video branching structures.

The five structures include:

  1. Shallow Menu
  2. Customized Tutorial
  3. Pass/Fail
  4. Tailored Messaging
  5. Chapter Structure

In the second video in our “How-To Series,” (watch our first in our series, “How to Capture and Qualify Leads with Interactive Video,” here) learn how these structures work, their benefits, and which structure will work best with your content. Whether you’re starting with existing or new content, this interactive video will help you figure out how to organize your story so that you can produce a video that drives increased engagement, time viewed, insights, and conversions.

Click here to learn and interact!

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