The download: A technical guide to Rapt Media’s interactive video platform


We understand that choosing an interactive video platform is a big commitment. From the creative process, to the amount and type of work required by developers (depending on what’s possible with the platform), to how the content is hosted for worldwide delivery, there are a lot of pieces to consider before making a decision.

We know there are many interactive video development platforms out there, each with their own technical capabilities, so we made it easy for you to get the lowdown on Rapt Media’s platform. To help you make an educated decision, we condensed all the critical info about our interactive video platform – including mobile compatibility, technical capabilities, support, and the creative process – into one handy tech spec sheet.

If this seems a little too technical and not within your purview, feel free to forward this to your tech team or leave us a comment. Below, we’ve pulled out a few examples of what you’ll find in our tech spec sheet.

Less support, more development

On the front end, Rapt Media’s drag-and-drop interface makes it straightforward for creatives to build and manage a project without the need for continuous tech and developer support along the way. This translates to more time spent working on developing a unique experience, and less time solving technical hurdles encountered by the creative team.

Flash-free and mobile-friendly

Rapt Media videos play natively on all modern browsers as well as iPhone and Android devices – no app required and no need to create versions for different devices. The Rapt Media Player is also based on video.js and rooted in HTML5, so it’s embeddable as an iFrame in any Web page – as easy as hosting on YouTube or Vimeo.

Innovative integration

One of the biggest advantages of Rapt Media’s interactive video technology is its ability to control HTML on the page with event data passed from the player. This means interactions within the video can trigger any number of interactive responses on the webpage. This versatile feature can be used for things like presenting more relevant information on the Web page as the user chooses their path in the video, or integrating graphics and other effects as seen in our recently released “Future of Video” interactive video.

The API also allows for easy integration with marketing automation systems like Eloqua, Hubspot, and Marketo, as well as analytics platforms including Google Analytics, Omniture, and CoreMetrics. This can provide deep insights on what paths viewers choose,  making it easy to measure what  content they find  relevant, if and where they choose to stop watching, and the number of  engagements.

Hosting and scalability

We use scalable, best-in-class cloud hosting for our app and assets, including Amazon S3, Cloudfront, and Heroku. Alternatively, we offer the flexibility to host assets with Brightcove. Content is also mirrored to Cloudfront’s edge locations about the globe, so users get quick response times whether they’re in Baltimore or Beijing.

Download our tech spec sheet now to check out what our platform can do.

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