Interactive video best practices: Your guide to producing powerful content

The Rapt Media Best Practices Guide

Producing interactive video means thinking about a whole new set of factors that you may not have encountered before when producing traditional linear video: should you build your own solution, or use something that’s pre-made; how will your customers interact with your video on mobile devices; what type of branching structure will be the most effective, based upon the type of content you’re presenting?

To answer these questions (and more), we put together a guide with the best practices for creating interactive video. With this in hand, it becomes easier to produce the most engaging, effective interactive video content possible that accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the interactive video best practices guide:

  • Planning and preparation
    • Setting your goals and objectives
    • Coming up with a concept
    • Choosing an interactive video solution (build in-house vs. buy)
    • Considering factors like scalability, mobile, and integrations
  • Best practices for interactive video
    • Choosing the right branching structure for your content
    • Optimizing your choice points
    • Optimizing for mobile and social
    • Incorporating calls to action
    • Testing and iterating

Download the guide now, or read more below…


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5 examples of how our clients are killing it with interactive video


Interactive video involves a whole new way of thinking about video content, and it can be a bit daunting when you consider all of the possibilities that it holds. To make it easier to see what’s possible, we put together a list of five real-world interactive video examples of how Rapt Media clients are using interactive video to drive marketing initiatives, educate employees, win over talent, and more.

And, of course, what better way to illustrate how people are using interactive video, than in an interactive video?

We sat down with Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman to discuss five easy-to-digest samples of what our clients are doing with interactive video within the following categories:

  • Brand Experience
  • Lead Generation
  • Recruitment
  • Education
  • Entertainment

Don’t want to read any more? Watch “5 Ways Our Clients are Using Interactive Video” now.


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An intern’s take on creating an interactive video


Going out and making an idea into something funny, interesting, informative or impactful is the goal of any video. Letting loose and doing something that showed off what could be done with interactive video was the goal of one of my first assignments as an intern at Rapt Media, and it’s also what “Dylan’s Super Useful Fruit Hacks” is all about.

Like any video, it started with an idea. Every new Rapt Media team member has to make an interactive video so that they understand the workflow and can get excited about the technology. When I was presented with the assignment, I really had no clue what I was going to do, but I wanted to do something that nobody around the office had seen before.


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The download: A technical guide to Rapt Media’s interactive video platform


We understand that choosing an interactive video platform is a big commitment. From the creative process, to the amount and type of work required by developers (depending on what’s possible with the platform), to how the content is hosted for worldwide delivery, there are a lot of pieces to consider before making a decision.

We know there are many interactive video development platforms out there, each with their own technical capabilities, so we made it easy for you to get the lowdown on Rapt Media’s platform. To help you make an educated decision, we condensed all the critical info about our interactive video platform – including mobile compatibility, technical capabilities, support, and the creative process – into one handy tech spec sheet.

If this seems a little too technical and not within your purview, feel free to forward this to your tech team or leave us a comment. Below, we’ve pulled out a few examples of what you’ll find in our tech spec sheet.


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How to measure success with interactive video


Measuring the effectiveness of a campaign is a critical step for any successful marketing initiative. Marketers are under increasing pressure to show ROI on their marketing spend, and we often get asked the question of how do you measure success with interactive video. One of the strongest and most useful features that sets Rapt Media’s interactive video technology apart is the ability to capture rich data that goes beyond the standard metrics such as reach and views.

To explain the different types of data marketers can leverage from interactive video, we turned to Rapt Media CEO and co-founder Erika Trautman. And what better way to deliver this information than through interactive video?

In this video on how to measure success with interactive video, you’ll learn:

  • The best types of data that can be leveraged for brand experiences, lead generation, recruitment, education, and entertainment
  • Real-world examples and results for each use case
  • The kinds of audience insights this data can provide
  • The metrics that are available to marketers via the Rapt Media platform


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