Rapt Media-powered interactive Maybelline campaign chosen as Webby Awards honoree

The votes for this year’s Webby Awards are in. While we’re thrilled to see an increase of interactive projects included in the mix, we’re even more exhilarated to announce that Rapt Media partner, ICED Media, was chosen as an official Webby Awards Honoree for its work on #TheGlamourEye campaign for Maybelline.

With 12,000 entries received from all 50 states and more than 60 countries, this distinction is an exceptional accomplishment, and we are delighted that Rapt Media’s interactive technology played a part, allowing ICED Media to easily create a compelling, mobile-compatible, Interactive Video experience that earned 6 million impressions, and achieved a click-through-rate 14 times higher than the industry average.

ICED Media’s work exemplifies a growing trend – Interactive Videos have hit critical mass worldwide. eMarketer and Adotas have both recently reported on a new study showing that Interactive Videos, especially those built in HTML5, are outperforming other ad units by combining the best of rich media ads with the best of video.

The benefits of Interactive Video are clear. Industry reports show that with Interactive Video, most viewers watch to completion, with 5 to 6 percent interacting. For campaigns using Rapt Media’s solution, we are seeing the average viewer interacting three to four times per video with click-through rates routinely 10 times higher than industry averages.

If you’re thinking about Interactive Video as a way to increase viewing engagement, social shares, click-through rates, or purchases, check out our recent case study results or contact us for more info.

You can always take a look at our blog for more Rapt Media news as well as tips and tricks on creating Interactive Videos.

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