Industry Insight: Why video marketing is key to capturing millennials’ attention

by Sierra Kohlruss |

The term “millennial” was certainly one of 2015’s biggest buzzwords. After all, this demographic, born between 1980 and 2000, make up about a quarter of the U.S. population. And if you’ve been hearing about millennials a lot more recently, it may be because this demographic, which exceeds the baby-boom generation in terms of numbers and is three times the size of Gen X, poses as a serious purchasing powerhouse in 2016 and beyond.

According to Forbes, millennials, aka Generation Y, will...


Marketing Land: Are millennials speeding up the slow death of interruption marketing?

by Erika Trautman |

Originally published on on November 6, 2015.

Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman explores research that shows how authenticity, choice and control are key factors for successful engagement with Millennials.

Digital technology has revolutionized consumer behavior, but many marketers still rely on old interruption marketing techniques designed for the days of the 30-second TV spot: break consumers’ screen activity with a message or an offer, do it often enough and expect them to...


5 takeaways from Conductor’s C3 conference that marketers can’t ignore

by Greg Adamietz |

If you weren’t able to make it to Pier 92 for Conductor's C3 conference last week, you missed an interesting evolution in the world of content and search marketing. Our sales team was lucky enough to attend the C3  marketing event, which is the only event dedicated to helping you master the art, science and strategy of marketing to your customers organically. It was an incredible opportunity to put our heads together with other like-minded marketers who are trying to push the envelope in...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report