Happy Halloween from Rapt Media!

by Jen Bergen |

It’s October 31st, which means only one thing: it’s Halloween! We work hard at Rapt Media, but we also like to take the time out of our busy work days to have some fun. Today, at our Boulder office, we held our first annual Rapt Media Costume Contest. We had a fabulous turnout. Costumes ranged from deranged nurse to police officer to flapper to larper to Katniss Everdeen.

We loved all of the costumes, but the winner of the contest, by unanimous vote, went to…


Rapt Media featured in Techstars’ new ‘Where Are They Now’ video series

by Jen Bergen |

Turning a startup from an idea to a success isn’t easy, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of Techstars. Rapt Media, a Techstars 2011 alum, joins 500 other startups that’ve gone through the accelerator program. Eighty percent of Techstars companies are still active, and Techstars is telling the stories of these startups in its new “Where Are They Now?” series, which highlights the post-program adventures of some of these companies.

Rapt Media is thrilled to be one of the first in...


Sifting through the BS: Down and dirty advice on building a startup [Interactive Video]

by Jen Bergen |

We had a great time at this year’s Denver Startup Week attending some insightful panels and seeing our fearless leader, Rapt Media CEO and co-founder Erika Trautman, speak alongside a handful of some of our favorite startups at two separate events – both of which were packed with eager DSW attendees. In fact, one panel, “Sifting Through the BS: Advice that Really Matters When You’re in the Trenches of Building a Business,” had 650 registered attendees and only space for 150.

For those who...


Rapt Media announced as Mashies award finalist for Best Interactive Ad Execution

by Jen Bergen |

Today, Mashable announced Rapt Media as a finalist in its annual Mashies awards program that showcases outstanding digital work in marketing, advertising and social. Philips’ Rapt Media-powered interactive video campaign, “Designed to Play – One guy, 5 styles, 625 possibilities” was chosen as a finalist in the Best Interactive Ad Execution category, which recognizes the best digital ad unit with an innovative interactive component.

We’re thrilled that Mashable has recognized the great work...


How many times will you die today? Confused.com’s interactive video puts a different spin on life insurance

by Jen Bergen |

We love when companies use our interactive video platform to create cool projects that explain big topics in an easy-to-understand and interesting way. Confused.com, UK’s leading price-comparison website, recently announced the launch of its new video project, "How Many Times Will You Die Today," to promote life insurance. The campaign emphasizes the importance of life insurance by taking the viewer through a day-in-the-life, video-game-like experience that uncovers some of the potential,...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report