Jen Bergen

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You've been hacked! AARP interactive experience teaches how to avoid a cyber attack

by Jen Bergen |

Sitting at a coffee shop on your laptop, you check the news and see reports of yet another major hacking event affecting tens of thousands of people across the world. You may be thinking "I have nothing to worry about; I've taken all the necessary precautions, haven't opened any suspicious emails, and never download any strange files." However, by you simply logging into the coffee shop's public WiFi, you may be opening yourself up to a cyber attack.


Interactive webinar: Customer onboarding that surprises and delights

by Jen Bergen |

We all know video is a popular medium to engage, communicate, and share—especially in a noisy and cluttered space. With more than 20 billion video views coming from Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube per day, employees and consumers' online experience expectations are changing. And undoubtedly, the growth in enterprises' increased interest and investment in video is a reflection of what is happening with online video today.


Interactive webinar: Accelerating the buyer's journey with interactive video

by Jen Bergen |

It’s not enough to have a good looking website. Providing digital product experiences that attract attention and forge emotional connections are critical. Experiences that help the consumer by being informative, educational, and inspirational is proven to accelerate the buying cycle and increase loyalty dramatically over time.


LIVE WEBINAR: Interactive whiteboard video for customer onboarding

by Jen Bergen |

Market leaders are always looking for new ways to delight and engage customers. That’s because customer experience matters more than ever. Your customers now require richer interactions, deeper personalization, and greater access to information and options. By leveraging a new kind of video, you can create unique, real-time video experiences that deepen relationships and increase customer loyalty.


Interactive webinar: Make your video training interactive

by Jen Bergen |

Today's workforce is detached and disengaged. When it comes to learning and information gathering, employees and consumers expect the same level of digital accessibility from the companies they work for and the brands they purchase from that they get in their personal lives. Enterprises need to change the way they communicate with their employees and customers, and interactive video is the way to do it.

This was the topic of our recent webinar, "Make Your Video Training Interactive," with ...


Users, not viewers: Why interactive branching video is the conduit to driving measurable behavior

by Jen Bergen |

Earlier this week, we explored the ins and outs of interactive, personalized video. To quickly recap, personalized video technology pulls data about users to create unique video experiences with content that is personalized to the viewer (Hi, "Your Name Here!"). This is a powerful experience for both the viewer and the company behind the content who benefit from the data-driven results. But personalized video is even more powerful when it's paired with interactive branching video, which is...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report