You've been hacked! AARP interactive experience teaches how to avoid a cyber attack

by Jen Bergen |

Sitting at a coffee shop on your laptop, you check the news and see reports of yet another major hacking event affecting tens of thousands of people across the world. You may be thinking "I have nothing to worry about; I've taken all the necessary precautions, haven't opened any suspicious emails, and never download any strange files." However, by you simply logging into the coffee shop's public WiFi, you may be opening yourself up to a cyber attack.


Forbes Insights: Tech that transforms the customer experience

by Jennifer Burak |

Digital-first companies have forever disrupted the ways that companies, their employees, and their customers interact, setting a high bar for digital simplicity, user-centricity, interactivity, and responsiveness.

It's imperative now more than ever for businesses to digitally transform. “At this point, it’s do or die for a lot of companies,” Navin Sharma, Pitney Bowes VP of product management and customer information management, said in a new Forbes Insights white paper in association with...


Interactive webinar: Customer onboarding that surprises and delights

by Jen Bergen |

We all know video is a popular medium to engage, communicate, and share—especially in a noisy and cluttered space. With more than 20 billion video views coming from Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube per day, employees and consumers' online experience expectations are changing. And undoubtedly, the growth in enterprises' increased interest and investment in video is a reflection of what is happening with online video today.


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report