Industry Insight: Entrepreneur and the evolving marriage of tech and content marketing

by Jen Bergen |

It’s no secret that marketers continue to try new ways to communicate and connect with their customers. We recently came across an interesting article from Entrepreneur that walks through some of the ways technology is revolutionizing the way marketers use content as a way of connecting.

As the article discusses, the evolution of digitalization of content marketing along with the ability to create non-text content for our audiences are chief among the ways that technology is providing the...


Live webinar: Discover why interactive content is the new 'content’ with Rapt Media and Boombox Oct. 15

by Jen Bergen |

The challenge for many of today’s marketers isn’t just creating content, it’s creating content that stands out from the rest of the online clutter. Whether in the business or consumer space, content marketers want to know why they should invest in interactive content, how they can prove their investment and show ROI, and how other companies are succeeding with interactive content.

The answer lies in positioning your customer at the center of the online experience. But how do brands...


Industry Insight: Adweek and the future of video content marketing

by Jen Bergen |

We recently caught an interesting article from Adweek highlighting online video as the future of content marketing. The article got our team talking about the importance of the right video content in a time when video is beginning to supersede all other forms of advertising.

Video has grown at breakneck pace in recent years, and it is predicted to continue to grow, making video fundamental to the way consumers consume content. Cisco recently reported that globally, consumer Internet video...


Rapt Media patent brings native mobile interactive video to the iPhone

by Dylan Dickey |

Rapt Media is proud to announce the approval of US Patent No. 9,031,375, an innovative solution that brings mobile interactive video tech to the iPhone and other iOS devices. This comes on the heels of evolving consumer behavior that makes mobile experiences more important than ever.

Tackling a changing landscape

From checking social media to shopping online to catching up on the latest season of your favorite TV show, everything seems to be done on the go today. In the era of the...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report