Engagement in the age of the customer: Using technology to build relationships

by Jennifer Burak |

Forbes Insights regularly conducts research and reports designed to support both strategic and tactical decisions that business executives make daily. We highly recommend their recent report sponsored by Pitney Bowes, Engagement in the Age of the Customer: Using Technology to Build Relationships, to learn more about how transforming the customer experience through technology is the top competitive advantage for enterprise companies today.

If this was relevant in early 2016 when they wrote...


Hard to Catch, Harder to Keep: How to Engage Existing Talent

by Erika Trautman |

This story was originally published via HR.com.

There’s no question that talent is now firmly in the driver’s seat of the recruitment process. Empowered by easy access to information, and surrounded with myriad employment options, talented candidates are calling the shots. In order to break through and be noticed, recruiters must offer content that is much more than simply informative. It must cry out for attention and interaction—beckoning candidates with personalization, entertainment, and...


Interactive videos: Choose your own engagement rate

by Magnet Media |

This article was originally published via Magnet Media Films.

You already know you need video. You’ve likely committed a significant amount of your marketing budget to creating a steady stream of content and optimizing your YouTube channel in an effort to increase organic viewership.

But here’s an important question to ask. Let’s say you’re getting decent impressions and views. How do you know if your audience is really engaged?

According to Google, consumers have more than ten interactions...


Interactive webinar: Make your video training interactive

by Jen Bergen |

Today's workforce is detached and disengaged. When it comes to learning and information gathering, employees and consumers expect the same level of digital accessibility from the companies they work for and the brands they purchase from that they get in their personal lives. Enterprises need to change the way they communicate with their employees and customers, and interactive video is the way to do it.

This was the topic of our recent webinar, "Make Your Video Training Interactive," with ...


How to increase employee 401(k) contribution and participation with interactive video

by Max Alex |

Editor's Note: Rapt Media is thrilled to welcome Magnet Media's Director of Motion & Interactive, Max Alex, as our featured guest writer. Max has developed original design concepts, marketing campaigns, and digital media for the past 10 years and is armed with a comprehensive awareness and love of new platforms, tech, and trends.

Tapping into an innate desire

Crucial to the success of any employee benefit plan is the cooperation and participation of a company's employees. This applies in...


Exploring interactive video learning best practices

by Sharon Vipond |

Rapt Media is honored to feature Sharon Vipond, director of research for The eLearning Guild, as our guest writer. For the last year, Sharon has been researching and creating in-depth case studies around different use cases for interactive video.

“Raise your hand if your organization is doing a great job using video to support learning and performance.” This is the question video learning thought leader JD Dillon asked a few months back in a Learning Solutions Magazine article on video for...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report