Greg Adamietz joins Rapt Media as VP of Sales

by Dylan Dickey |

The Rapt Media team is growing, and we’re pleased to announce that Greg Adamietz has joined us as vice president of sales, where he will be in charge of growing revenue, expanding our customer base and managing the sales of our interactive video platform.

As agencies, brands and media are looking to engage with their audiences in meaningful, long-lasting ways, Rapt Media’s interactive video platform is providing the solution. In response to this growing need, Adamietz will be leading the...


The future of short-form video: Native, mobile (and interactive)

by Dylan Dickey |

London’s Digital Shoreditch Festival 2015

The Digital Shoreditch Festival, held annually in London since 2011, celebrates some of the best technical, creative, and entrepreneurial talent that the world has to offer. People from around the globe gather to present and experience the cutting edge of the newest, most innovative fledgling technologies that will go on to fundamentally change the way we market, create, and consume media.

Rapt Media Presents!

It’s no surprise then that Rapt Media’s...


Rapt Media creates interactive version of joint Forrester webinar on latest video and mobile trends

by Jen Bergen |

Rapt Media recently teamed up with Forrester Research in an hour-long webinar, “Reach, Engage, and Convert with Interactive Video,” to discuss how big brands can build better relationships with customers through valuable video content.

Instead of just posting the presentation on Slideshare (okay, we did that, too), we created an interactive video version – giving viewers the ability to select the content that interests them most.

The beauty of interactive video is that it allows you to...


'Storytelling 2.0' – Ep. 3: Adopting interactive video

by Jen Bergen |

What does it mean to be an early adopter? Sure, one could equate the term with someone who camps outside an Apple Store to be one of the first to snag the newest iPhone (yes, that’s a little extreme). But what is it really like to be an early adopter of a technology at a larger scale – say an agency or business deciding to use a groundbreaking new piece of software, for example?

To find out first-hand what it’s like to be an early tech adopter, we spoke to digital marketing and social media...


How to choose the right branching structure for your interactive video

by Jen Bergen |

We know making the switch from traditional video to interactive video requires a change in thinking. Linear video has the traditional beginning, middle, and end to plan for; but with interactive video, there are numerous paths a user can take, including the “if this then that” approach. Planning your interactive video is more like designing a website which requires coaching for those new to the space.

With multiple branching video structures available to tell your narrative, where do you...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report