Industry Insight: Forbes gives us 3 reasons why interactive content is best

by Jen Bergen |

Interactive content is more than an industry buzzword, but many brands are still struggling to define its real value. Why should you move from passive content to interactive content? Why interactive content? Three simple reasons: Boost engagement, increase brand loyalty, and give your audience a reason to spend more time on your website. This article from Forbes shares one perspective on these reasons, and here’s why we think they’re worth paying attention to.


ICYMI: Interactive Content is the ‘New Content’ webinar recap

by Jen Bergen |

Last week, two of the greatest minds in interactive content (at least in our honest opinion) came together to share their thoughts on how to stop talking at your audience and start interacting with them. These two creative talents — our very own VP of Product, Caleb Hansen, and Boombox’s Chief Evangelist, Owen Fuller — hosted the webinar, “Interactive Content is the ‘New Content’: Start Involving, Stop Ignoring,” and had a great dialogue on the death of passive content and the importance of...


Industry Insight: on the art of engaging millennials

by Jen Bergen |

Are brands creating content that’s actually reaching and engaging millennials? Sure, marketing and ad professionals have endlessly opined on the best way to reach the mysterious and infamously short-attention-spanned millennial audience, but we believe there’s a key to engaging this group. In a recent article, aptly titled “Is Your Brand Personal Enough For Millennials?,” contributor Luis Gallardo hits the nail on the head.

Gallardo’s perspective on driving engagement stood out to us...


SocialTimes: Facebook’s News Feed algorithm overlooks most important video metrics

by Erika Trautman |

Adweek's SocialTimes blog on Oct. 8, 2015.

Facebook updated its News Feed algorithm to favor vanity metrics determined by in-video user actions like clicks and views over popularity metrics determined by likes, comments and shares. Although the changes are meant to improve the user experience, it overlooks the most important video metrics and causes marketers to miss out on key audience insights to understand the bigger ROI picture.


Re-thinking content in talent management: Lessons from DisruptHR NYC

by Susan Keith Bleekman |

Last week, I had the pleasure to attend New York’s first-ever DisruptHR conference, an information exchange designed to energize, educate, and empower the HR industry. Unlike a formal HR forum, this event was designed to shake things up and encourage HR professionals to think outside the box, ask the tough questions, and brainstorm new ideas.

In addition to meeting representatives from incredible companies like leading media agency, MEC; technology company for the auto industry, CDK Global;...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report