5 surprising ways that cooking and coding are remarkably similar

by Andrew Dillman |

I've always said there are many parallels between coding and cooking, so when our content team approached me about taking to the kitchen for an interactive cooking show, my answer was an immediate “yes.”

After spending a day in the spotlight while filming the first installment of  "Baking with Jonathan,” I spent some time decompressing and realized that a lot of what we did that day while shooting our Interactive Video could be related to coding.

Here are five examples of decoding the recipe...


Want to make an Interactive Video in 72 hours? Follow our recipe

by Jen Bergen |

The idea of creating an Interactive Video (IV) may seem unwieldy, but building an IV project doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it isn’t, which is why we decided to whip up an interactive baking video for the holidays. With a team of three – a designer, an editor, and a scriptwriter/baker – we were able to create an IV in just three days. Our filming team was also small – two videographers and an intern – and they were able to shoot everything in less than six hours.

From storyboarding to...


Happy holidays from Rapt Media (and our scroogey dog, Dot)

by Jen Bergen |

Happy Holidays! December was a busy month for Rapt Media. We just wrapped up the first of many entertaining interactive baking videos. The project showcases every part of Rapt Media's Interactive Video-making process. Watch and interact with the “Baking With Jonathan” experience here.


9 predictions for online video in 2014

by Jen Bergen |

This article was originally published on Venture Beat on December 23, 2013. 

Though Interactive Video (IV) isn’t totally new, projects like Philips’ “Designed to Play,” Maybelline’s “Glamour Eye,” and Bob Dylan’s interactive music video helped spread the gospel of IV in 2013, leading us to believe that 2014 will be a breakout year for IV.

As technology exponentially evolves each year, it’ll soon be difficult to remember a time when we did our online shopping through something other than an...


Bourbon, baking, and an engineer: An interactive cooking video

by Jen Bergen |

The holidays are upon us. The lights are up on the tree, you’ve (hopefully) finished your gift shopping, and now all that’s left is to start preparing your holiday meal. Desert is always the best part, so we decided to make an Interactive cooking Video to show you how to make a festive pecan pie.

Our VP of Engineering, Jonathan Woodard, was so thrilled with the idea that he shared his family’s secret recipe for Bourbon Pecan Pie with us. With the recipe in hand, we went through every step to...


What 2013's massive Cyber Monday mobile sales say about the future of shoppable video

by Jen Bergen |

There’s nothing new about the ever-increasing rise in mobile traffic; analysts have been talking about the “death of the PC” for years now as mobile devices become more and more popular. But this holiday season is marking a significant change for mobile – specifically in the area of online shopping.

With Cyber Monday now a few days past, the numbers are starting to roll in, proving that mobile shopping integration is no longer just a nice “extra” feature. According to figures by IBM Benchmark


3 ways brands are using Interactive Video to engage with customers

by Erika Trautman |

This article was originally published on Adotas.com on December 5, 2013.

Video is no longer just a lean-back experience. With the touch-heavy world of mobile devices, video is becoming more of a lean-forward, interactive experience. Digital video can support user interaction through gestures, voice, touch and clicks, and brands in the know are implementing Interactive Video (IV) projects into their marketing campaigns.

These brands are seeing remarkable results in terms of engagement with...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report