Should you build or buy your interactive video platform? 5 things to consider before making the call

by Andrew Dillman |

In a recent story written by TechCrunch about Rapt Media’s latest funding announcement, one comment in particular caught our eye. The commenter was curious about what makes our product worth a total funding of $7.5 million when, in his mind, it’s something that a custom development shop can build for a lot less.

After three years in the interactive video business, this type of question still comes up from time to time – often when talking to a prospective customer who’s evaluating...


In the press: The latest from and about Rapt Media

by Jen Bergen |

August was a busy month for Rapt Media, particularly because of our two big announcements. First, we shared the closing of our $3.1 million round in venture financing, led by Boulder Ventures; and second, we announced the exciting launch of our integration with marketing automation system Eloqua.

And we’re not the only ones excited about this news. We’ve received some great coverage from some big names in tech, such as TechCrunch, VentureBeat, VideoInk, Reuter’s PE Hub, and StreamDaily, as...


Rapt Media raises $3.1M in funding, intros video-powered marketing automation with Eloqua integration

by Jen Bergen |

It’s a big day here for Rapt Media. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve closed $3.1 million in venture financing led by Boulder Ventures. We’ll be using the funding to build out a presence in New York and Los Angeles so that Rapt Media will be in the hearts of the two largest cities where brands, agencies, and production companies thrive. The new round brings Rapt Media’s total funding to $7.5 million.

"Video is the fastest growing format in branding and advertising, and mobile is the...


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