5 predictions for online video in 2015: How today’s emerging trends will grow into marketing must-haves

by Erika Trautman |

This article was originally published on Forbes.com on 12/8/14.

The online video industry moves quickly. As the year comes to an end, we’re already contemplating what’s in store for online video in 2015. For marketers and publishers alike, the new year creates a tremendous opportunity to shake off the shackles of everyday execution, start thinking big for 2015, and determine how to deliver a new level of sophistication, user engagement, and results.

From mobile video to marketing automation...


Find your holiday cookie inspiration in Rapt Media’s interactive baking video

by Jen Bergen |

Have you decided what type of cookie you will bring to your company party or family gathering this holiday season? If the answer is no, you’re in luck. You can find your cookie inspiration with our Interactive Baking Experience.

This time last year, we launched our first episode of “Baking with Jonathan,” an interactive baking experience hosted by our VP of Engineering, Jonathan Woodard. We had so much fun creating it, that we decided to come back for Year 2. Though Jonathan loved making his...


Ogilvy renews with Rapt Media for Year 2 of Philips interactive video campaign

by Jen Bergen |

Ever have one of those nights that you can’t quite recall pieces of the next morning? The main character in the Philips interactive video campaign, Designed to Play,” has – and he needs your help to piece together the previous night's events.

Renewing its agreement with Rapt Media for a second year, interactive agency Ogilvy & Mather Duesseldorf is using Rapt Media’s interactive video technology for an updated version of Philips’ “Designed to Play” campaign.

As part of a concerted effort to...


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