Interactive webinar: Make your video training interactive

by Jen Bergen |

Today's workforce is detached and disengaged. When it comes to learning and information gathering, employees and consumers expect the same level of digital accessibility from the companies they work for and the brands they purchase from that they get in their personal lives. Enterprises need to change the way they communicate with their employees and customers, and interactive video is the way to do it.

This was the topic of our recent webinar, "Make Your Video Training Interactive," with Kaltura, PwC, and The eLearning Guild. In it, we explored ways to make your training and onboarding programs more engaging, cost-effective, and impactful. Interactive video is innovating corporate training and onboarding and transforming the way people engage and learn. Short of actually connecting in person, navigable, interactive video is the single best way to create a personalized, authentic, two-way employee/employer and customer/company connection.

If you missed the webinar, never fear! We transformed the recording into an interactive video experience, making it easy to explore the information that's most applicable and interesting to you.

Start off with the facts: get the results of in-depth research from The eLearning Guild on best practices for enterprise learning and how interactive video is changing corporate training and onboarding. Then go deep with PwC to discover how the company used interactive video to educate its internal workforce using a high-touch, lean-in experience combined with gamification to create intrinsic motivation.

Check out the interactive webinar to get the tools you need to build an interactive video training program that can start delivering real results.

In this interactive webinar, you'll learn:

  • The key differences between traditional video and interactive video
  • How interactive video makes training more effective
  • Best practices for building high-impact video training campaigns
  • Tips for onboarding new employees

Your workforce is your best investment. Discover how to make sure your onboarding and training efforts count!

Explore the interactive webinar >

Employee Engagement Report