How to start reimagining and building transformative interactive experiences

by Jen Bergen |

Why change? Why innovate? Why invest? Answering those questions isn't always easy. To help you find those answers, and so that you're not going at it alone, we created the Rapt Media Strategic Guide and ROI Workbook.

Digital transformation

If you're wondering why you have to think about these things now, the answer is simple: We are in the midst of a major technology revolution. Digital is reshaping employee and customer experiences in almost every sector. Digital-first companies have disrupted the ways that companies, employees, and customers interact, setting a high bar for digital simplicity, interactivity, and responsiveness.

The industry term defining these changes is “digital transformation.”

Enterprise companies that successfully reimagine, redesign, and digitize their employee and customer experiences will not only win first choice of talent, partners, and resources, but they will also earn industry leadership and a major competitive advantage against those that don’t.

To not only stay competitive but capture new sources of value, pre-digital companies are looking to invest in technologies that allow them to transform their employee and customer experiences.

User experience + video = winning

Marrying user experience with the power of video is one way to do that—and what Rapt Media’s software does best. Companies that invest in a tech solution enabling them to build immersive user experiences reap the rewards of more loyal and satisfied employees and customers. They don’t just survive the digital revolution, they thrive.

We designed our Strategic Guide and ROI Workbook to drive transformative thinking and the transformative use of video. We also offer a practical tool for calculating ROI to support your interactive video technology investment. Our ROI Workbook is a step-by-step process designed to help develop your video's branching structure and to establish your goals, behaviors, data insights, and business value.

These tools are meant to make it easy for you to build your strategies and ROI models and to educate and present your business case for interactive video to key stakeholders with data, insights, and case studies.

Get ready to boost employee and customer satisfaction scores, generate and accelerate new spending from your customers, and streamline your operations with user experience video. Use this guide and workbook to get started reimagining and building your transformative experiences today.

Rapt Media Strategic Guide & ROI Workbook