Engagement in the age of the customer: Using technology to build relationships

by Jennifer Burak |

Forbes Insights regularly conducts research and reports designed to support both strategic and tactical decisions that business executives make daily. We highly recommend their recent report sponsored by Pitney Bowes, Engagement in the Age of the Customer: Using Technology to Build Relationships, to learn more about how transforming the customer experience through technology is the top competitive advantage for enterprise companies today.

If this was relevant in early 2016 when they wrote the report, it is even more relevant as we make our way into 2017. We are living in a new consumer economy where technology is critical to the relationships we build with our customers.

“The key is relevant and engaging interactions across the life cycle, increasing real customer lifetime value,” Liz Roche, director of product marketing and customer engagement solutions at Pitney Bowes, said in the report. But, as the report says, "talking about customer engagement is one thing, actually delivering it is another."

Digital-first companies continue to up the ante for established enterprise companies, making digital transformation, for both customers and the workplace, a strategic necessity for growth and survival.

Forbes Insights looks at two key strategies that can help address these challenges—new technologies such as interactive, personalized videos, and a 360-degree view of the customer—via case studies as well as interviews with senior executives and experts.

According to the report, the 360-degree view of the customer "focuses on solving a particular pain point within the larger context of a customer-focused organization," while interactive, personalized video "shows how managing relevant, personalized and timely customer communications can enhance overall experience."

Get this report to learn:

  • Top technology trends in customer engagement
  • Best practices for investing in the customer experience
  • How a leading insurance company integrated video into their customer strategy
  • How to create a successful cross-channel customer engagement program
  • How interactive, personalized video can generate and keep customer loyalty

Find out how you can distinguish your business through customer-focused engagements, even in crowded marketplaces.

Dowload the report >

Report: Engagement in the Age of the Customer