5 examples of how our clients are killing it with interactive video

by Dylan Dickey |

Interactive video involves a whole new way of thinking about video content, and it can be a bit daunting when you consider all of the possibilities that it holds. To make it easier to see what’s possible, we put together a list of five real-world interactive video examples of how Rapt Media clients are using interactive video to drive marketing initiatives, educate employees, win over talent, and more.

And, of course, what better way to illustrate how people are using interactive video, than in an interactive video?

We sat down with Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman to discuss five easy-to-digest samples of what our clients are doing with interactive video within the following categories:

  • Brand Experience
  • Lead Generation
  • Recruitment
  • Education
  • Entertainment

Don’t want to read any more? Watch “5 Ways Our Clients are Using Interactive Video” now.

Brand experiences

As the media landscape becomes more fragmented, it’s more challenging than ever to capture and maintain the interest of consumers when it comes to marketing messages. An excellent solution to this is to bypass traditional channels and create engaging brand experiences.

That’s just what Philips’ “Designed to Play” campaign, created by Ogilvy & Mather, set out to do. By targeting young, tech-savvy millennials on their mobile devices with an interactive video experience, Philips was able to promote its Click & Style electric razor as viewers selected facial hair style choices to unlock different storylines.

To learn more about this example, check out the full case study.

Lead generation

Driving sales-qualified leads is a huge challenge. Interactive video can help cut through the clutter to deliver only the most relevant, important information to prospects, helping move them through the sales funnel as they’re presented with the right product or solution based upon their position in the company.

In this interactive video example, InContact used choice points to guide viewers to the most relevant information for their job title, capturing useful data for lead segmentation, and scoring leads in Eloqua throughout the process.

Click here to learn more about this example.


Good talent is key for a successful business, so finding and recruiting great hires is critical. Interactive video is fantastic for creating engaging experiences that give prospective employees a quick idea of why it’s so great to work for your company.

A powerful example of this is Deloitte, which set out with the goal of attracting younger talent and tackling the perception that it was a “stuffy accounting firm.” To do this, Deloitte created a gamified interactive experience that let viewers experience a day-in-the-life of a Deloitte employee. The video was hugely successful, generating buzz on social media, increasing engagement by 300 percent, and outperforming a similar linear video.

To learn more about this example, check out the full case study.


One of the most powerful uses of interactive video is for education. It’s easy to present information to viewers based upon their specific situation or level of knowledge. In the case of employee education, it’s also easy to integrate the interactive video with backend HR systems to track employee compliance and training progress.

The Learning Care Group made effective use of interactive video to educate its current employees and new hires on the Affordable Care Act. Through a series of choice points, viewers were able to choose their specific situation in the company (e.g. part-time vs. full-time, etc.), which allowed tailored information to be presented to them within a single video.

To learn more about this example, check out the full case study.


Telling a story is one of the best ways to get consumers to engage with your brand. On top of this, there’s no better way to enhance this storytelling than to invite viewers to be participants and let them decide what direction the story goes.

Warner Bros. Entertainment put out one of the most effective and engaging interactive video examples. The company created an experience to promote its feature film “Focus,” which stars Will Smith as a con man. Through a series of choice points, the viewer is challenged to pull off a con of their own in various scenarios. Notably, the average viewer spent over 8 minutes with the content, and most viewers engaged in repeat plays.

To learn more about this example, check out the full case study.

Within each of these five categories of interactive video examples, there are limitless possibilities for creating the engaging, efficient, and effective experiences that the medium is capable of. Check out “5 Ways Our Clients are Using Interactive Video” for a more in-depth look at each of the case studies.

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