Survey: How are content discovery, personalization driving purchase decisions?

by Jen Bergen |

According to The Future of Content: Rethinking Content Consumption report, consumers want to discover content on their own and are tired of brands pushing online ads through interruptive channels. They find it to be irrelevant, impersonal, and overwhelming, taking action to avoid seeing more of the same content in the future.

We recently surveyed more than 1,000 consumers to understand how content discovery and personalization is driving purchase decisions and affecting brand loyalty.

Insights reveal consumers want personalized content experiences that are meaningful, helpful, and valuable to their specific needs and interests. But equally important is their empowerment in discovering it on their own. The younger millennial generation is especially mistrusting of brands pushing interruptive online ads.

The value of discovery

Brands are currently relying on automated distribution technology to push “personalized” content at consumers through different consumption channels, but consumers don’t want content pushed at them at all. They would rather discover content on their own to create a more relevant experience.

Future of Content Consumption Problem Pushed Content

Millennials aren’t buying what marketers are selling

The younger generation of consumers is significantly less trusting of brands trying to reach them with irrelevant, inauthentic online content. Millennials are driving the trend of increased engagement through personalized content discovery and are basing their purchase decisions and brand loyalty on experiences that are unique to their interests, needs, and behaviors.

Future of Content Consumption Millennial Personalization

Content discovery and personalized engagement

Empowered by social media and increased mobile connectivity, consumers have more control over how they engage with brands. They have come to expect content personalization along with the opportunity to shape their own experience. The only way for marketers to compete in an increasingly crowded, noisy market is by providing valuable content for consumers to discover on their own and building relationships through interaction and engagement.

The benefit for brands

Engaging an audience with personalized content takes significant resources and investment, but the relationship between good content and a positive brand experience is evident. Consumers are more attracted to brands that provide meaningful, helpful, and valuable content that is specific to their personal needs and interests.

Future of Content Consumption Brand Benefit

Engagement driving purchases, trust and loyalty

Consumers’ ability to discover meaningful content influences purchase decisions and brand loyalty, especially for millennials. Explicit content personalization through choice and discovery builds trust, increases engagement, and delivers a truly valuable experience starting at the point of creation.

Future of Content Consumption Influencing Purchases

Ready to learn more? Download The Future of Content: Rethinking Content Consumption report to discover how content discovery is driving purchases, trust, and loyalty from consumers.


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