The power of branching video

by Basho Mosko |

If the web had no links, it would be a terrible experience. Most online videos today are dead ends; a single viewing experience with no options to navigate elsewhere. Linking videos together with other videos or maps, photos, stills, or forms captures information. We call this technology “branching videos."

In our pitch a year ago at TechStars demo day, we used the example of Domino’s Pizza’s sedentary video versus an interactive one by a much smaller brand, Hell Pizza. Hell Pizza had a mere one fifty third of the annual budget that pizza giant Domino’s utilized yet their video had 4M hits to Domino’s 800K. Why?

It’s simple. Videos that are branching are 16 times more likely to receive at least 200,000 views (the benchmark metric for a successful viral video). People also spend twice as long watching them. This deep engagement leads to a doubled conversion rate.

Fox, Universal, Burger King, Honda, Old Spice, and E-Trade are just a few of the major brands that are capitalizing on branching video but with FlixMaster, you don’t have to have a major brand’s budget to create compelling content. Why shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for an experience you can’t reuse?

The benefits of interactive video are tangible. Built in HTML5 and powered by a passionate team in Boulder, FlixMaster makes video as rich, connected, and interactive as the rest of the web.

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