Interactive webinar: Customer onboarding that surprises and delights

by Jen Bergen |

We all know video is a popular medium to engage, communicate, and share—especially in a noisy and cluttered space. With more than 20 billion video views coming from Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube per day, employees and consumers' online experience expectations are changing. And undoubtedly, the growth in enterprises' increased interest and investment in video is a reflection of what is happening with online video today.

Expectations have been set as they relate to our online experience, whether as an employee, a consumer, and, especially, as content creators. It’s all about the user experience and putting your customer in the driver's seat where they can select the content that is most relevant to them.

And that's exactly what we discussed in our most recent webinar with leading whiteboard production company The Draw Shop. In the webinar, we talk through what makes a good customer experience and why and how interactive whiteboard video can help. If you missed the webinar, never fear! We transformed the recording into an interactive video experience, making it easy to explore the information that's most applicable and interesting to you.

The challenge we're facing is a cluttered online ecosystem and the need to stand out from the crowd. This is combined with the new on-demand consumer economy where everything must be at our fingertips. Check out the interactive webinar to learn how you can create content that engages your customers in a whole new way that puts them in control.

Explore the interactive webinar to learn about:

  • Interactive whiteboard video and how it works
  • Choosing the right applications for interactive video
  • Interactive examples of customer onboarding
  • The benefits of choice, interactivity, and video education

Explore the interactive webinar >

Report: Engagement in the Age of the Customer