Introducing the Rapt Media Interactive Storyboarder

by Jen Bergen |

Having a hard time thinking about, planning, and executing an interactive video project? Hey, we hear you – making the leap from traditional linear video to interactive video requires a new way of thinking. In addition, creating an interactive video experience also tends to require sign-off from key stakeholders. The easiest way to get that initial approval hearkens back to the age-old writing technique of “show, don’t tell.”

Imagine trying to pitch an interactive video by showing a linear experience. Telling your stakeholders that it’ll do X, Y, and Z when it’s interactive just doesn’t pack the same punch as showing a working, interactive prototype. So how can you pitch and test your interactive video concept?

To make the initial process of building and getting approval of your interactive video easier, we created the Rapt Media Interactive Storyboarder. With it, you can take a concept and turn it into a working prototype within minutes, increasing your chances of selling your idea while also streamlining the entire production process.

Check out the interactive video below to learn more about Rapt Media’s Interactive Storyboarder.

Here’s a breakdown of how the Interactive Storyboarder works:

1. Concept:

So, you have an idea for an interactive video – now what? Create the framework for your project in the Rapt Media Editor using an empty node (what we call the video thumbnail where your video clip will live). This step lays the foundation in which you’ll build your project.

2. Create:

Build shot list
Start adding titles and buttons to each node to create the flow. As you add titles to each node, a shot list is simultaneously created and visible on the right-hand side of the screen. The Storyboarder’s Shot List feature then serves as your guide to gather the still images needed to demonstrate each node. Your stills could be a sketch, a stock image, or simply a text description.

Upload stills
Upload your stills to the Editor and drag each still to its respective node, updating its contents. Play your video within the editor to make sure it’s working as you intended.

Backend integration
If you have a backend integration in mind – integrating your analytics, CRM, marketing automation, or learning management software, for example – the prototype can also show how an integration would work and allow development to run in parallel with creative.

3. Publish & present

Publish your video and view it on the play page. You can even embed your prototype video on your own branded site.

Present your interactive concept, let others play with it, and use their feedback to improve the flow. With Rapt Media’s interactive video platform, you can easily iterate on your project and republish as you go.

4. Build your video

Now that you have your interactive video project all mapped out and received approval and feedback from your key stakeholders, it’s now time to build out the full video. You’ve already created a shot list, so now you can print and start shooting. Once you’ve captured your footage, simply upload the clips and drag them into their respective nodes – no need to change the titles or buttons.

Interactive Storyboarder: The takeaway

There’s no better way to sell an interactive video idea than to have someone experience it for themselves. Rapt Media’s Interactive Storyboarder helps you get that buy-in, while also streamlining the entire process.

Ready to get started using Rapt Media’s Interactive Storyboarder? Let us know, and you’ll soon be on your way to prototyping your interactive video idea.

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