'Storytelling 2.0' – Ep. 2: The pros and cons of hiring outside agencies

by Jen Bergen |

After the blood, sweat, and tears that come from pioneering a new technology have been wiped away, there comes a point when it’s time to get serious about raising awareness and building demand. For Rapt Media, that time has come – and it’s also the theme of the second episode of our interactive web series, “Storytelling 2.0.”

We are putting the spotlight on Episode 2, which focuses on a decision that many companies face: do you hire an agency to support marketing efforts, or do you build a team to do it all in-house? Explore with Rapt Media the advantages and disadvantages in hiring an agency vs. staying in-house, meet the agencies being considered, and learn how these potential partners could help with everything from developing a marketing strategy to website redesign.

In-house vs agency

In Episode 2, click, watch, and learn as Erika Trautman, CEO and founder of Rapt Media, presents  a compelling argument for sticking with internal resources while Jennifer Burak, VP of Marketing at Rapt, plays devil’s advocate, stating her case for hiring external agencies with specific expertise. Watch Episode 2 to explore the pros and cons of hiring an agency.

Meet the agencies

Take a drive with Rapt’s CEO as she meets the agencies pitching us: Room 214, a digital marketing and social media agency, and Good Apples, a graphic design and digital experience agency – both based in Boulder. Interact with Episode 2 to learn how partnering with these agencies will help us with our marketing strategy, our marketing automation, and the redesign of our website.

Whether you're currently struggling with the in-house vs agency decision or you've already made your choice, check out Episode 2 for insight from both the client and agency perspective. And be sure to subscribe to our “Storytelling 2.0” series to stay up to date with the latest episodes.

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