How to measure success with interactive video

by Dylan Dickey |

Measuring the effectiveness of a campaign is a critical step for any successful marketing initiative. Marketers are under increasing pressure to show ROI on their marketing spend, and we often get asked the question of how do you measure success with interactive video. One of the strongest and most useful features that sets Rapt Media’s interactive video technology apart is the ability to capture rich data that goes beyond the standard metrics such as reach and views.

To explain the...


Rapt Media creates interactive version of joint Forrester webinar on latest video and mobile trends

by Jen Bergen |

Rapt Media recently teamed up with Forrester Research in an hour-long webinar, “Reach, Engage, and Convert with Interactive Video,” to discuss how big brands can build better relationships with customers through valuable video content.

Instead of just posting the presentation on Slideshare (okay, we did that, too), we created an interactive video version – giving viewers the ability to select the content that interests them most.

The beauty of interactive video is that it allows you to...


How to choose the right branching structure for your interactive video

by Jen Bergen |

We know making the switch from traditional video to interactive video requires a change in thinking. Linear video has the traditional beginning, middle, and end to plan for; but with interactive video, there are numerous paths a user can take, including the “if this then that” approach. Planning your interactive video is more like designing a website which requires coaching for those new to the space.

With multiple branching video structures available to tell your narrative, where do you...


How to capture and qualify leads with interactive video

by Jen Bergen |

One of the features that sets Rapt Media’s interactive video technology apart from others is the ability to integrate video with marketing automation systems (MAS), such as Eloqua, Marketo, and Hubspot. We know that the concept can be a little much to wrap your head around, which is why we invited our VP of Product, Caleb Hanson, to the whiteboard to explain the power of integrating marketing automation with interactive video.

In this interactive marketing automation video, you’ll learn: 


See why Forrester recommends interactive video over traditional video

by Jen Bergen |

[Editor's Note 4/13/15: You missed the window to download the Forrester report. If you want to learn more about what Forrester Research is saying about interactive video, watch the on-demand webinar here.]

Last year, Forrester Research released “Move Beyond Awareness With Interactive Video,” a comprehensive report on the benefits of interactive video. The stats and figures that came out of the research are thought provoking and impressive, and we’ve been using them as proof points for how...


Introducing the Rapt Media Interactive Storyboarder

by Jen Bergen |

Having a hard time thinking about, planning, and executing an interactive video project? Hey, we hear you – making the leap from traditional linear video to interactive video requires a new way of thinking. In addition, creating an interactive video experience also tends to require sign-off from key stakeholders. The easiest way to get that initial approval hearkens back to the age-old writing technique of “show, don’t tell.”

Imagine trying to pitch an interactive video by showing a linear...


Rapt Media Strategic Guide & ROI Workbook